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AVIS-800R is an Automatic Vision Inspection System for both of pattern defects (AOI) and SR defects (AFVI) on COF/TAB, TBGA, H2BGA, FBGA with highest inspection productivity and accuracy.
Since its first successful installation in mass prodction line in 2000, AVIS-8000R has been enjoying a good Reputation in the market oqing to the most reliable inspection capability as well as good technical service.

Location of AVIS-8000
- Post Etching or Sn-Plating (AOI)
- Post SR (AFVI)

Highest Inspection Productivity

- 50mm/second at 5.0§­/pixel resolution
- 30mm/second at 3.5§­/pixel resolution
- 16mm/second at 2.5§­/pixel resolution

Highest Camera Resolution
- 2.5§­ ~ 5§­/pixel (easy to change)

Minimum Over-Rejection rate

Special devices in order to overcome bow & twist of tape materials

off-line Teach server
(network with multiple number of AOI/AFVI)

CAM data interface Teach (less than 1 hour)

Field-Proven AOI/AFVI system since 2000

Products inspected
Tape dimension
35, 48, 70, 96, 105 and 158mm Tape width (Wide & Super Wide)
Camera Resolution
2.5¥ìm, 3.5¥ìm, 5¥ìm/pixel (easy to change)
Inspection ltems
Open, Short, Protrusion, Mouse-Bite, Bottom Short,
Top Etching Pit/Pin Hole, Non-Plating, Discolor, Foreign Material
10/10¥ìm products is inspected
Teach method
CAM data programming(Gerber RS-274 X format)
AC220, 1phase, 60Hz, 5kgf/cm2, 4Kw